

When I worked, I had a hard time presenting my arguments. It is not too much to say that the reason I quit my job was my poor presentation as a manager. I recognized that I was required to have a high level of presentation skills, but I could not become a good speaker. I deeply regretted that I had not seriously improved my presentation skills. 

Now as I watch a news conference of the government, the Atomic Energy Commission and TEPCO, I can only remember my failure. Virtually everyone of them had a really bad presentation. Their presentation content was incomprehensible and pointless, and there’s nothing concrete about their content, especially about the prime minister’s interview, but the biggest problem is not to have the power to appeal to people. I can’t feel their motivation, sincerity or a firm faith. Of course everyone is now working to rebuild, but I can’t feel it. I think the reason is their poor presentation skills. Well then, why? At the root of this problem is the Japanese Education system, I guess. I heard that in the U.S. children practice speaking in public from elementary school. Training one’s speech is absolutely important for children. Japanese like to copy Western society ways, but it is to be regretted that we had a different method in the educational aspect.

1 件のコメント:

  1. The guy in front of the screen is your husband?That's so cool!
    I'm sorry about Kan's everything,I say everything!
    It was just boring not only his expression but his speech itself. His performance is not to all over the world but the domestic local people only.
