

The earthquake caused a serious power shortage, so now we have been under planned blackouts by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). There was nothing else they could do but carry out such a planned blackout. I understood it but their management has given rise to a lot of problems. 
One of the problems happened to my father-in-law. He uses a respirator and an aspirator because of his disease. The respirator has a battery but the aspirator doesn’t have a battery so the blackout could prove to be fatal for him. When TEPCO announced the blackout, they seemed to realize the influence on such people and they advised people to contact their customer center about people with home-care so they could provide a portable power generator. My husband and I were greatly relieved to hear that. 
I tried to call their customer center but the line was busy and I couldn’t get through. We were a little confused. Then we both started to call the customer center but we couldn’t get through at all. The blackout was due to start the next morning! The plan that they would start the blackouts from the day before the day they announced it was all nonsense. Who can arrange for the portable power generator immediately? In any case, we had to find a way to get it. So my husband drove to the customer center and I continued to call them and also tried to order it online. Happily I could order it quickly but it would take three days to arrive at the earliest, so I continued to call them all night. He came home at 3 a.m. and he said that he couldn’t contact any of them. We continued to call them till the morning but we couldn’t get through at all. During that time, the news kept on saying to call the customer center! However the number for the home-care people and the number for people who want to know about the blackout details was the same! It was hardly possible to get through to them. 
In the end, my husband contacted his father’s doctor early the next morning and the doctor brought some syringes for aspirating during the blackout. 
Fortunately, the blackout wasn't carried out in father’s town till the day that the portable power generator was delivered, but we have felt a strong indignation. I think we shouldn’t leave the matter unsettled. But what should we do?

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