
Went to the dentist

Today I went to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned. I have had my teeth cleaned three times a year for a long time and my dental hygienist has great skills, so my teeth are in good condition. 

Anyway, do you have trouble finding a good doctor? How do you look for a reliable doctor? Or a dentist, a physician, a dermatologist, an eye doctor, an animal doctor, etc. I always have a hard time looking for a doctor. Luckily, my brother-in-law is a dentist, so I asked him to introduce me to a good dentist and I could see a good one and a wonderful hygienist who is his wife. Well, I could see my brother-in-law but I somehow felt like I didn’t want to show the inside of my mouth to my close relative. Thanks to my sister’s husband, the dentist problem was solved. About a vet, an animal doctor who I took my dog to before moving here introduced me to a vet near my new place. However, I didn’t have any connections to other doctors, so there was nothing for it but to get information on the Internet. 
So far, I have been able to see a good doctor, but when I need to look for other departments, it’ll be a pain in the neck to get information.

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