
A theme park

Recently we went to two theme parks to use a dog run that they have there. Whenever I visit a theme park, except a successful theme park such as Disneyland, I always feel somewhat sad, because they have become old and deserted. When I was a child, they used to be busy, but now they are quiet and only music travels in vain. Their facilities are antiquated and the paint has come off. The parks seem not to have been looked after for a long time. In fact, maybe they try to keep the park in good condition as hard as they can, but they don’t have enough budget to buy new equipment and keep it clean. 
Old > deserted > dropped receipts > cannot update equipment > deserted … It’s a downward spiral! Is there any good way to revive the parks? I don’t have any concrete ideas but I’m very interested in reviving the theme parks. If I had had some funds, I would purchase one of the theme parks and try to revive it. Actually, you can laugh about it now, but I applied for an application open to the public that invited the president of a local line to revive the line. Of course, I failed, but I was really interested in such a thing. Sure, I know “Easier said than done.”

Thanks to being empty, he could get the dog run to himself.

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