This weekend my sister's daughter played in the futsal nationals. So my sister and I went to the tournament in Mie Prefecture to support her team. Her team was expected to win but unfortunately they lost in the semifinals. If they had won, they could have taken part in an international tournament in Portugal and I intended to go there and support them. I was disappointed!
I came back home at eleven p.m. last night. I was very tired and wanted to go to bed early. But when I came home, my husband was in the bed and said that he had a high temperature, a bad headache and a joint ache. He seemed to be very bad. Finally he asked me to take him to a hospital. It's midnight! It's just a cold! But he insisted that it must be flu. I didn't want to go to a hospital and I know that he tend to exaggerate whenever he feels even a little bad. So I told him it was better to take a rest at home and we would go to a hospital the next day. He seemed unhappy but fell asleep.
Today he went to a hospital. The doctor said that he had a cold. He looked unconvinced. Now he says he's going to another doctor who can tell him it's the flu.
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